StarFight VI: Gatekeepers Patches & Downloads
NOTE: It is highly recommended to apply these patches before starting the game. Saved games are incompatible between major versions!!
StarFight VI: Gatekeepers SDL v2.02a This is the patch to get for any modern operating system - Davide Gianino's SDL port! The patch is cumulative, and contains all the fixes and improvements of the v2.02 version.
StarFight VI: Gatekeepers v2.02 The latest and last patch for SF6. This patch includes all of the fixes up to v1.06a as well as new features (cloaking device, ion cannon, balancing & dialogue changes) introduced in v2.0. This patch invalidates all previous saved games, use them at your own risk.
StarFight VI: Gatekeepers v1.06a This patch has most of the video compatibility and stability fixes of the v2.02, but it's balancing is not good. The patch is provided here since it's slightly more compatible with old saved games than v2.02.
Other Stuff
Online HTML-Manual The same manual that's bundled with the game, for online reading.
StarFight VI: Gatekeepers Walkthrough This walkthrough briefly tells you everything you'll have to do in order to beat the game.